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Smaldino, P. E., Pietraszewski, D., & Wertz, A. E. (2023). On the problems solved by cognitive processes. Cognitive Science, 47, e13297. [OA link] 📝
Schlegelmilch, K., & Wertz, A. E. (2023). Grass and gravel: Investigating visual properties preschool children and adults use when distinguishing naturalistic images. Cognitive Development, 66, 101324. OA link: 10.31234/ [OA link] 📝
Schlegelmilch, K., & Wertz, A. E. (2022). Visual segmentation of complex naturalistic structures in an infant eye-tracking search task. PLoS ONE 17(4): e0266158. [OA link] 📝
Pietraszewski, D. & Wertz, A. E. (2022). Why evolutionary psychology should abandon modularity. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 17, 465-490. [OA link] 📝
Fantasia, V., Oña, L. S., Wright, C., & Wertz, A. E. (2021). Learning blossoms: Caregiver-infant interactions in an outdoor garden setting. Infant Behavior and Development, 64, 101601. 📝
Gerdemann, S. C., & Wertz, A. E. (2021). 18-month-olds use different cues to categorize plants and artifacts. Evolution & Human Behavior, 42, 304-315. [OA link] [OSF] 📝
McNamara, R. A., & Wertz, A. E. (2021). Early plant learning in Fiji. Human Nature, 32, 115-149. [OA link] [OSF] 📝
Rioux, C., & Wertz, A. E. (2021). Avoidance of plant foods in infancy. Developmental Psychology, 57, 609-624. [OA link] 📝
Falck, A., Labouret. G., Izard, V., Wertz, A. E., Keil, F. C., & Strickland, B. (2020). Core cognition in adult vision: A surprising discrepancy between the principles of object continuity and solidity. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149, 2250-2263. [OSF] 📝
Włodarczyk, A., Rioux, C., & Wertz, A.E. (2020). Social information reduces infants’ avoidance of plants. Cognitive Development, 54, 100867. 📝
Wertz, A. E. (2019). How plants shape the mind. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 23, 528–531. [OA link] 📝
Elsner, C., & Wertz, A. E. (2019). The seeds of social learning: Infants exhibit more social looking for plants than other object types. Cognition, 183, 244–255. 📝
Oña, L., Oña, L. S., & Wertz, A. E. (2019). The evolution of plant social learning through error minimization. Evolution & Human Behavior, 40, 447–456. 📝
Schlegelmilch, K., & Wertz, A. E. (2019). The effects of calibration target, screen location, and movement type on infant eye-tracking data quality. Infancy, 24, 636-662. [OA link] 📝
Wertz, A. E., & Moya, C. (2019). Pathways to cognitive design. Behavioural Processes, 161, 73–86. 📝
Wertz, A. E., & Wynn, K. (2019). Can I eat that too? 18-month-olds generalize social information about edibility to similar looking plants. Appetite, 138, 127–135. 📝
Włodarczyk, A., Elsner, C., Schmitterer, A., & Wertz, A. E. (2018). Every rose has its thorn: Infants' responses to pointed shapes in naturalistic contexts. Evolution & Human Behavior, 39, 583–593. 📝
Kominsky, J. F., Strickland, B., Wertz, A. E., Elsner, C., Wynn, K., & Keil, F. C. (2017). Categories and constraints in causal perception. Psychological Science, 28, 1649-1662. [OSF] 📝
Pietraszewski, D., Wertz, A. E., Bryant, G. A., & Wynn, K. (2017). Three-month-old human infants use vocal cues of body size. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences, 284, 20170656. 📝
Schlegelmilch, K., & Wertz, A. E. (2017). Estimating variability and accuracy in remote mode infant eye tracking. Proceedings of the 40th European Conference on Visual Perception (pp. 205-206). Berlin, Germany. 📝
Strickland, B., Wertz, A. E., Labouret, G., Keil, F. C., & Izard, V. (2015). The principles of object continuity and solidity in adult vision: Some discrepancies in performance. Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Journal of Vision, 15, 122. 📝
Wertz, A. E., & Wynn, K. (2014a). Selective Social Learning of Plant Edibility in 6- and 18-Month-Old Infants. Psychological Science, 25(4), 874-882. [OA link] 📝
Wertz, A. E., & Wynn, K. (2014b). Thyme to touch: Infants possess strategies that protect them from dangers posed by plants. Cognition, 130(1), 44-49. [OA link] 📝
Wertz, A. E., & German, T. C. (2013). Theory of mind in the wild: Toward tackling the challenges of everyday mental state reasoning. PLoS ONE, 8(9), e72835. 📝
Pietraszewski, D., & Wertz, A. E. (2011). Reverse engineering the structure of cognitive mechanisms. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 34, 209-210. 📝
Wertz, A. E. (2011). Cognitive adaptation: Distinguishing between levels of analysis. Theory and Psychology, 21, 416-418. 📝
Wertz, A. E., & German, T. C. (2007). Belief-desire reasoning in the explanation of behavior: Do actions speak louder than words? Cognition, 105, 184-194. 📝
Saudino, K. J., Wertz, A. E., Gagne, J. R., & Chawla, S. (2004). Night and day: Are siblings as different in temperament as parents say they are? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 87, 698–706. 📝